August 7, 2009

✈ Batam Getaway

Back from Batam! What an awesome trip!

Batam was certainly more commercialized than I expected. Everything can be paid using SGD and is more often than not more expensive than the prices in Singapore (except for groceries). I overestimated on my expenses, which was a pity that I couldn't try para-sailing. Would have been a great experience! Other than that, the fortunately chosen atas place, good food and wonderful company have already made the trip an awesome one!

In summary:
The paranoia of getting robbed/raped, (painful) massage, grocery shopping with a trolley full of Indomee and Tango, the long walk to Waterfront with incessant annoying honkings, good food, SEA SPORTS with our bananaboat capsizing, "trespassing" to another hotel, lazing in the pool, KTV session, moment of truth/confession/adding value to knowing each other better, potato couching together... So much fun, laughter and memories contained within a 3d2n trip. ♥

More photos on FB:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

People say going on a trip with people other than your family is risky. It's almost like living together with them - you get to see their true personality, their living habits, everything from unglamourous to ugly. Unlike your own family members who are always forgiving and accepting, there are couples who break up or quarrel over a supposedly romantic getaway, or best friends who stop talking to each other. There are also successful trips where you grow closer with your travel companions because of the memories forged during the trip, and understand them better. And I'm glad I went on a successful one with my GGs :)