It was an unexpected surprise, to be able to make my first baby step into a bank. Being my penultimate year, this year's internship application was way more competitive than that of last year's. While I had gotten my internship offer by March last year, this year's application process left me feeling disheartened and bleak. To be able to get this internship, I really got to count my blessings for it.
To be honest, as much as I wanted to, this internship wasn't a steep learning curve for me, but I have learnt that not all bank positions are glamourous and work-life balance is REALLY important (at least to me). As always, it was the people whom made work more bearable. 12 weeks, when you think about it, is really pretty long. That constitutes to a quarter of a year! And the fact that I'm going on exchange two weeks after my internship made the counting down process even more torturous. Yet, even though I was the only intern left in my department after the 8th week, I am really thankful for the group of fresh graduates colleagues who made me look forward to lunch everyday despite going to the same place and eating the same few dishes over and over again, as well as to laugh myself silly at the screen while IM-ing them in our conference chats. They know interns like me come and go, but they still put heart in making my internship a better experience. Aww!
Peektures of the other interns in other departments! A pity we didn't have the opportunity to know each other better since we were all working in different departments. I think we would be a fun group together!